Tools I'm Using Right Now
Here is a list of my favorite tools for marketing, writing, and knowledge management.
I’m always curious what tools people use in their work, so I thought it would compile a list of the tools I use for writing and productivity.
With that being said, use what you’re comfortable using or already know how to use. Outcomes are the most important; whatever tools you pick should help you get to the outcomes you want.
But there is a reason why we find tools fascinating. Tools can influence those outcomes, sometimes in a significant way! At least Abraham Lincoln thought so:
If I only had an hour to chop down a tree, I would spend the first 45 minutes sharpening my axe.
So with that introduction in mind, here’s what I’m using today. Hope you enjoy it!
Personal Productivity
Proton Mail: End-to-end enccrypted email for privacy and security
Things: Personal task management
Business Management
Google Workspace: Custom email domain and a business phone number
Wave: Free accounting for small businessess
Knowledge Management
Obsidian: Notes stored in markdown and synced with end-to-end encryption
Readwise: One app for feeds, reading, and highlighting
Buffer: For scheduling social media posts
Buttondown: Privacy-first email newsletter software
Fathom Analytics: For privacy-first website analytics
Web Design
Jekyll: Static site generator
Namecheap: For buying domains
Netlify: For simply, static website hosting
Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for designing websites
Visual Studio Code: Open-source code editing app
Copy AI: Side kick for brainstorming and copywriting
Ulysses: Markdown writing app