
I promise letters will not come out on a regular schedule, and you'll never know when one might pop up in your inbox.

This is not a way to get notified of new posts. You can sign up for those here.

This is my private email list where I share ideas with a group of like-minded people. I don’t sell anything here — it’s fulfilling for me when people read and respond.

Once you sign up, you will receive an email asking you to confirm your subscription. You can expect to receive letters on an irregular schedule, and never more than 1-2 times per month.

Why is it called Margin Notes?

Margin notes (often referred to as marginalia) are the comments, notes, drawings, and other scribbles added to the margins of books. Often margin notes can provide insights into an author’s creative process as they respond to material and make connections. Personally, I’ve come to appreciate that most of my thinking happens in the margins: while walking, in brief notes, and especially in my first drafts.

Why subscribe?

When I was imagining a newsletter I would enjoy reading, I realized I wanted something other than the standard round up of links or narrowly-focused beat. (You know the ones: “get one actionable marketing insight each week” or “this newsletter is for people who like tech”.)

Rather than add yet another marketing newsletter or round up of the week’s top links to your inbox, I want to create a space to develop and share ideas. You could think of this newsletter as a source of inspiration for your own creative process.

If that’s not for you, you can unsubscribe at any time. But I hope you enjoy it and find it useful.